Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara
Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif
Sekjend Kementrian ESDM
Direktur Eksplorasi Pertamina Hulu Energi
Exploration Research Lead PT Pertamina (Persero)
Direktur Panas Bumi Direktorat EBTKE KESDM
Direktur Jenderal Migas
Deputy Perencanaan SKK Migas
VP Existing Assets PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Kepala Pusdatin EBTKE, Kementerian ESDM
Chairman of Excellence of CCUS Indonesia
Direktur Jenderal Minerba
General Manager Geomin PT Antam Tbk.
COO Medco Mining
VP Policy and Govt. Relation PAMA
Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur
Kepala PVMBGKepala Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Malang
Pengembang Geowisata Jawa Timur
47th PIT HAGI will be HAGI first “Green Convention” as a big breakthrough for HAGI in supporting environmental conservation programs. Beside to the theme about Green Energy Transition, environmental preservation is also a major issue in the 47th PIT HAGI. Collaborates with the Less Waste Lab, a non-profit organization in waste management where all inorganic waste from the conference will be collected to be recycled. PIT HAGI is committed to taking concrete actions in environmental conservation, such as minimizing paper and plastic objects in all activities, and also doing coral and mangroves transplantation.
Ice Breaker Night
at HAGI Exhibition Hall, Harris Hotel and Convention Malang
Gala Dinner
Stand Up Comedy Show*
Opening Day
at Pertamina Hulu Energi Grand Ballroom, Harris Hotel and Convention Malang
Grand Opening of 47th PIT HAGI
Keynote Speech: Kepala SKK Migas – Dwi Soetjipto
Panel Keynote Speech: Sekjend ESDM – Rida Mulyana
Opening speech: Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno
Exhibition Opening Ceremony (HAGI Exhibition Hall)
10.30 – 12.00
Panel Discussion: Inclusive Collaboration to Create Sustainable Energy Transition
13.00 – 15.30
SKK Migas Special Session
The Convention
at Harris Hotel and Convention Malang
Technical Session
Panel Discussion: CCUS in Indonesia: Does it Works?
Keynote Speech: Dirjen Migas – Prof. Tutuka Ariadji
Panel Discussion: Peluang Industri dan Services Mining di Indonesia pada era Krisis Global Dunia
Keynote Speech: Dirjen Minerba – Ridwan Djamalludin
Luncheon Talk: Schlumberger
Student Competition Final Round
Closing Day
at Harris Hotel and Convention Malang
Technical Session
Panel Discussion: East Java Geotourism: Potency vs Hazard
HAGI Annual Congress and Presidential Inaguration
Special Performance: Andang dan Penyelaras
Music Performance*